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56 Wall Street
Madison, CT 06443


Welcome to Madison Wool!  We are a fiber lover’s paradise, with fine yarns for hand knitting plus one of a kind, handspun art yarns that you cannot find anywhere else! 

Two at a Time Fingerless Gloves

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Two at a Time Fingerless Gloves

  • Madison Wool 56 Wall Street Madison, CT 06443 (map)

Two at a Time Fingerless Gloves. With Mary Crosby. Sunday, March 23, 2025. 1-4 PM. $50.00. $20.00 deposit holds your space. Call 203-245-5921 to register.

Learn to knit two at a time fingerless gloves with the Magic Loop method! We will use the Churchmouse Fingerless Glove pattern and learn how to cast on and knit two gloves at a time. This method is applicable to socks too! For adventurous beginner to intermediate knitters who want to learn some new tricks. We will be using DK weight yarn and 40 inch circulars, sizes 4 and 5.