Contact — Madison Wool

We have Needle Felting and Spinning Fiber (roving, batts, locks, raw fleece) in our Fiber Room! Plus Spinning wheels, Tapestry & Rigid Heddle Looms. Check out our Classes and Events! Please check Calendar for store closings

Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

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56 Wall Street
Madison, CT 06443


Welcome to Madison Wool!  We are a fiber lover’s paradise, with fine yarns for hand knitting plus one of a kind, handspun art yarns that you cannot find anywhere else! 


Driving Directions

Directions: Exit 61 off I-95. Take Rt. 79 South (from I-95 south, take a left, and I-95 N, take a right). Make a left at the 2nd traffic light onto Bradley Road. Make a right at the stop sign onto Wall Street. 56 is on your left (across the street from Madison Health Foods). We’re located behind Skippin' Stones Boutique-follow the yarn bombed poles and look for the sheepy signs. You may park in the back if there is room or you may park on Wall Street.

Where is your shop?  We are NOT directly on Wall Street, you have to drive in to the back of 56….You will see our sign on the road, and a sandwich board with a yarn ball in purple/green  near the driveway.  We are on the side, directly behind Skippin' Stones Boutique.  We are the driveway next to Moxie restaurant also!  Follow the ‘yarn bombed’ snow poles and that will lead you to our door….Plenty of free parking right in front of the shop, but fine to park on Wall Street.


Contact Us

How can we help?

For classes you are interested in not scheduled, call the shop and we can schedule it for you–especially spinning, weaving, or felting, and children’s classes. We are happy to schedule private lessons, and we also do repairs on knitwear and spinning wheels.


HAlos of Hope

We are an official Halos of Hope hat drop off station ( We collect hats all year long. We are collecting through the holidays and will send off a big box at the end of December.

Gift Certificates

We sell Gift Certificates in any amount, and we are happy to mail them to you!  Please call the shop or stop in for details. We also ship! If you need yarn or anything else, we will get it to you.