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56 Wall Street
Madison, CT 06443


Welcome to Madison Wool!  We are a fiber lover’s paradise, with fine yarns for hand knitting plus one of a kind, handspun art yarns that you cannot find anywhere else! 

Crochet Classes

Learn to Crochet :  Churchmouse Sampler Scarf or Mitts. With Dayna Mankowski.  Thursday, March 20, 2025 (waitlist only), or Thursday, April 17, 2025. 6:30-8:30 PM. NEW DATE ADDED; Wednesday, March 12, 2025. 6:30-8:30 PM. $35.00.  $10.00 deposit holds your space.  Call 203-245-5921 to register. Price includes instruction and pattern handouts.

Have you always wanted to learn to crochet?  Join us!  You will learn three basic stitches, used in interesting ways.  We will be using the Churchmouse Pattern "Sampler Scarf or Mitts", and learn how to single crochet, double crochet, and half double crochet.  You will love how fast and fun crochet is (and how modern it looks!). You can opt to work on one stitch, make a scarf, a sampler, or even a washcloth.


Introduction to Amigurumi: Chappy the Seal. With Dayna Mankowski. Thursday, April 24, 2025. 6:30-9 PM. $35.00. $10.00 deposit holds your spot. Call 203-245-5921 to register.

Learn how to make a crochet toy! We will make a Seal, in honor of Chappy, our New Haven Seal that was such a beacon of hope! Using single crochet, we will learn how to read a pattern, and make increases and decreases. Chappy is a fun, one piece toy that needs minimal sewing and seaming- just the face and flippers are made separately. Class fee includes pattern, instruction, stuffing and button eyes.

Crochet 102: Basic Granny Square Construction. With Dayna Mankowski. Sunday, February 23, 2025. 4-6 PM. $35.00. $10.00 deposit holds your space. Call 203-245-5921 to register.

Get started on your granny square journey! This is a great next step after learning basic crochet stitches. You will learn how to make a basic granny square , and learn how to change colors and weave in your ends. You can continue with this square to make a large throw, or make several squares that you can use to make bigger projects. Basic crochet skills required.

Learn to Crochet 2 :  Granny Square Scarf! With Dayna Mankowski.  Two Sessions: Sundays, January 12 and 19, 2025. 4-6 PM. $50.00.  $20.00 deposit holds your space.  Call 203-245-5921 to register.

Learn to make a basic granny square!  These are fun to make, and a great way to play with color .  We will make this fun “Retro” Granny Square scarf using 4 colors of chunky yarn (sample used Kraemer Perfection Chunky). You will learn how to make each square, how to change colors and weave in ends. The second class will cover troubleshooting, plus how to block and attach your squares, and to crochet a border. A quick, fun gift for yourself or others!

Students must be comfortable with basic crochet (chain, single and double crochet, tensioning) for this class.