We have Needle Felting and Spinning Fiber (roving, batts, locks, raw fleece) in our Fiber Room! Plus Spinning wheels, Tapestry & Rigid Heddle Looms. Check out our Classes and Events! Please check Calendar for store closings

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56 Wall Street
Madison, CT 06443


Welcome to Madison Wool!  We are a fiber lover’s paradise, with fine yarns for hand knitting plus one of a kind, handspun art yarns that you cannot find anywhere else! 


Weaving Equipment for Sale

We can order any Ashford loom and parts for you



CURRENTLY IN STOCK: (updated 05/28/24)

  • Rigid Heddle Looms : Ashford Rigid Heddle 24 inch looms in stock with stands- 1 each

  • Knitters Loom Adjustable Stand

  • Sample it Loom Stand

  • Fringe Twister and assorted Heddles and accessories available

  • Tapestry Looms in assorted sizes available for purchase

  • Heddles for rigid heddle looms in assorted lengths and sizes