Spinning Classes
Spinning Classes
To view more information on our spinning classes, please visit our Events Calendar. Call the shop at 203-245-5921 for information or to register.
Private Spinning Lessons: $45.00 per hour, includes fiber and use of wheel/drop spindle. Please call or email to arrange.
Spinning Wheel Repair: Please call to discuss (price negotiable). 203-245-5921
Beginning Hand SPINNING: One Day intensive
Sunday, March 2, 2025 (waitlist only) or Sunday, April 6, 2025 . 12 PM- 5 PM. $100.00 includes fiber and drop spindle. $25.00 deposit holds your space. With Dayna Mankowski and Mary Crosby. * Max 4 students* Call 203-245-5921 to register.
If you would like to learn how to create unique yarn for your knitting or fiber projects, this class is for you. This workshop will teach: why wool spins into yarn, how to prepare wool for spinning, how to spin on a drop spindle and a spinning wheel.
Part 1: will teach the basics of fiber preparation, drafting and spinning on a drop spindle.
Part 2: will teach spinning on a spinning wheel, plying and finishing your skein. Equipment will be provided and studio time is included in the fee.
If you have your own wheel, please bring it.
Studio time=time to spin on wheels at Madison Wool
This class has been very popular, with many of our students confidently taking classes afterwards with our national/international visiting spinning teachers, and even winning prizes at local fiber festivals for their handspun yarns! We are proud and happy to be able to teach them a solid foundation in the basics of spinning. You get to keep your drop spindle and will go home with fiber to keep on spinning.
Maximum of 4 students.
Bring lunch or order out if you need; snacks and tea/water provided.
To register: Call the shop at 203-245-5921 or email Dayna at dayna@craftyscientist.com to reserve your spot.
Sunday Spin in! Sunday, November 17 and December 15, 2024. . 3-5 PM. $20.00. Price includes making a batt using fiber and add ins from the MadWool Fiber Bar. Call 203-245-5921 to register.
Let’s get back to spinning! Join us for a fun spin in with community. Learn some new tricks or just make some beatiful basic yarn! Bring your wheel or reserve one of ours. You are welcome to spin on your drop spindle too!
Halloween Art Yarn Spinning!. With Elysa Darling of www.222handspun.com. Saturday, October 7, 2023. 1 PM-3 PM. $75.00. $25.00 deposit holds your space. Includes some fiber. Some wheels available for use. Call 203-245-5921 to register.
Join Elysa of 222 Handspun for a spook-tacular adventure in art yarn making! Discover the magic of turning fibers into enchanting threads, perfect for creating your very own witches hat! Learn how to corespin and incorporate fun add-ins and make textures in your yarn. Craft your unique witches hat using your handspun yarn using the free pattern provided. Enjoy a festive atmosphere with fellow yarn enthusiasts and embrace the Halloween spirit!
Bring some fiber and embellishments you’d like to spin (2-4 oz). Some fiber and plying threads will be provided and also for sale during class.
Spinning 102: Breed Study. With Mary Crosby. Sunday, August 28, 2022. 1-3 PM. $50.00. $20.00 deposit holds your space. Call 203-245-5921 to register. Some wheels available for use. All fiber provided for class.
Learn about how the different breeds of sheep fleece spin into yarn, and learn characteristics of the breeds that will help you plan your spin. Several different sheep breeds, plus alpaca, llama and more will be used! You will learn tips and tricks perfect for beginning spinners as well as more experienced. You are welcome to bring any fiber you may have that you have questions about.
Introduction to Art Yarn Spinning and Plying. With Mary Crosby. Saturday, October 2, 2021. 1-4 PM. $75.00. $25.00 deposit holds your space. Includes all materials for carding and plying- feel free to bring your stash of fun yarns and fibers. Call 203-245-5921 to register.
Have you always wanted to make fun textured yarns but didn’t know where to start? Join us and have some free form fun! You will make mixed fiber batts, plus learn drafting and plying techniques to make all sorts of really unique yarns! Must be comfortable on a spinning wheel. We have wheels for use if you do not have one.
Sunday Spin Study: Learn How To Spin A Fiber Braid. With Mary Crosby. Sunday, October 27, 2019. 2-4 PM. $45.00. $20.00 deposit holds your space. Some fiber provided. Wheels available for use.
Join Mary as she shows you how to spin the yarn you want from a dyed fiber braid! You will learn different ways to work with the fiber to get the colors you want. You will learn different drafting and plying techniques too. Perfect for beginning spinners (with some basic spinning experience).
Fearless Spinning! With Laura Senator of Rainbow Twist Shop. Sunday, September 23, 2018. 10 AM-5 PM. $100.00. $25.00 deposit holds your space. Lunch break- refrigerator and microwave available, snacks, water and tea and local take out.
Fearless Spinning is a comprehensive workshop developed by Laura “Spinner” Senator to help spinners organize and manage a variety of new and potentially intimidating fibers and add-ins; to spin with innovation, confidence, and delight!
Techniques such as my own “Magic Thumb” and “Throwing Chunks” methods of lock spinning, as well as tail spinning, coil and multiple plying are all incorporated in this workshop. Fleece, long locks, sparkle, and add-ins are the perfect venue for these techniques. This approach begins with thoughtful organization and preparation of the fiber and other elements (which will include some carding and prepping locks), guided by the unique aspects of color and texture.
The workshop is designed to be intensely hands-on and fun, appropriate for any level of expertise, including the beginning spinner. This method is intuitive and creative, guided by a mix of artistic spirit grounded in solid technique. Spinners will leave with a myriad of new techniques but more importantly, the confidence to use them in their own creative style!
Materials students will need to bring: Spinning wheel which can accommodate bulky yarns/jumbo flyers. Bobbins and Lazy Kate for plying. Students are encouraged to bring their own fleece, batts, add-ins, and fun plying yarn as well, for sharing and/or personal use. Niddy Noddy to wind off yarns. Laura and Madison Wool will have supplies for sale as well.
Laura Senator is the owner of Rainbow Twist Yarn. She teaches creative spinning classes all over the USA, and dyes gorgeous long locks and spins beautiful yarn! https://www.etsy.com/shop/RainbowTwistShop
Spinning off the Point and Spinning Bast Fibers with Joan Ruane. **CANCELLED****October 13 &14, 2018. Madison Wool, 56 A Wall St., Madison, CT 06443. $200.00 for the weekend; $100.00 if taking separate days. $50.00 deposit holds your space.
If you are traveling and need lodging, check out 'where to stay' under Events tab. Please call the shop-happy to help with arrangements, etc. 203-245-5921
Joan Ruane is coming back for a third year! She is such a talented and giving teacher, and we learn so much from her. This year, she will teach Spinning Off The Point and Spinning Bast Fibers.
SPINNING OFF THE POINT WORKSHOP. October 13, 2018 10 am to 5 pm. Designed for All Levels of Spinners
Workshop goal: To reinforce long draw spinning and to familiarize students with a variety of equipment that allows spinners to spin off the point. Saturday
Students are encouraged to bring any and all spinning tools that allow them to spin off the quill or point. Using a variety of support spindles, students will have an opportunity to try several spindles using cotton and/ or down fibers. A demonstration of setting up and using an Indian charkha will make way for students to try out several types of charkha wheels. With this behind them we will move onto the wheel quills where heavier and longer staple fibers can be spun.
Students should bring:
Charkha wheels
Support Spindles
Wheels that have Quill attachments
Labeling tags
SPINNING BAST FIBERS WORKSHOP. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2018 10 AM-4 PM. For intermediate spinners
Bast fibers come from the stem of plants. There are many plants through out history that have played a very important role in making yarns. With just one day, we will concentrate on hemp, flax and ramie. We will learn what different preparations are available and how each is spun. As a special treat we will get to dress a distaff and try spinning from it as well. This should prove to be a fun day exploring the world of bast fiber.
Students should bring:
Spinning wheel..(no bulk spinners..prefer flyer driven wheel)
Lazy kate and 3 clean bobbins
Small bath towel
Bowl or cup for water
` Labeling tags & pencil
Niddy noddy
First a professional teacher and then a spinner, Joan Ruane has been teaching spinning classes throughout the U.S., Canada, UK , Australia and New Zealand since 1980. Active in local and regional Guilds, she has also owned and operated fiber shops in both Florida and Arizona. Joan has published cotton newsletters, written articles for fiber magazines and has published two DVD: Cotton Spinning Made Easy and Cotton Spinning With A Takli. She has republished Hand Spinning Cotton by Harry and Olive Linder, bringing it up to date with modern techniques. In 2015 Joan published the much needed “Beginning Cotton Spinning on the Wheel” workbook. Her DVD’s can be streamed through www.taprootvideo.com.
Joan’s web site is: www.cottonspinning.com.
Spinning CLasses Gallery
All class materials are to be purchased from Madison Wool. Unless specified, class fee does not include pattern or materials. To register for classes, call the shop at 203-245-5921 with your information and deposit (credit card). We will accept mailed checks as well. Many classes from visiting teachers require you to register directly with them. Please call or email us with any questions. If we cancel class for any reason (usually only due to weather or teacher illness), you get store credit or you may take rescheduled class. Class deposit/fee non refundable five days prior to class; cancellations prior to this get store credit less deposit. We take extenuating circumstances into consideration, so please let us know as soon as possible if you cannot attend a class.