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Madison, CT 06443


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Crochet 102:  Basic Granny Square Construction

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Crochet 102: Basic Granny Square Construction

  • Madison Wool 56 Wall Street Madison, CT 06443 (map)

Crochet 102: Basic Granny Square Construction. With Dayna Mankowski. Sunday, February 23, 2025. 4-6 PM. $35.00. $10.00 deposit holds your space. Call 203-245-5921 to register.

Get started on your granny square journey! This is a great next step after learning basic crochet stitches. You will learn how to make a basic granny square , and learn how to change colors and weave in your ends. You can continue with this square to make a large throw, or make several squares that you can use to make bigger projects. Basic crochet skills required.

Earlier Event: February 22
Fixing Mistakes and Reading Your Knitting
Later Event: February 25
Stitch & Beach-at MadWool