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56 Wall Street
Madison, CT 06443


Welcome to Madison Wool!  We are a fiber lover’s paradise, with fine yarns for hand knitting plus one of a kind, handspun art yarns that you cannot find anywhere else! 

Introduction to Amigurumi:  Chappy the Seal

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Introduction to Amigurumi: Chappy the Seal

  • Madison Wool 56 Wall Street Madison, CT 06443 (map)

Introduction to Amigurumi: Chappy the Seal. With Dayna Mankowski. Thursday, April 24, 2025. 6:30-9 PM. $35.00. $10.00 deposit holds your spot. Call 203-245-5921 to register.

Learn how to make a crochet toy! We will make a Seal, in honor of Chappy, our New Haven Seal that was such a beacon of hope! Using single crochet, we will learn how to read a pattern, and make increases and decreases. Chappy is a fun, one piece toy that needs minimal sewing and seaming- just the face and flippers are made separately. Class fee includes pattern, instruction, stuffing and button eyes.

Earlier Event: April 24
Afternoon Stitch & Beach at MadWool
Later Event: April 26
Local Yarn Store Day!